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Associate in Science

General Requirements: Total Hours: 62 Minimum GPA: 2.0

Program Description: The Associate in Science degree program is designed to lay a foundation in Agriculture studies and meet the needs of students to continue education at a four-year university.  Students have a choice to select one of seven (7) option areas of study:  Agribusiness, Agricultural Communications, Agriculture Education, Agroecology, Animal Science, or General Agriculture.

Program Outcomes

The purpose of this degree in agriculture is to provide both comprehensive and specialized training to prepare graduates for careers in a wide range of fields of agriculture. Eight program areas within this degree are: animal science, equine science, agronomy, horticulture, agricultural economics, farm & ranch management, agricultural communications, and general agriculture. 

  1. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the basic concepts of agriculture.
  2. Demonstrate the knowledge base necessary for a successful transfer and degree attainment at a four year college or university.
  3. Be equipped with the skills to enter the competitive agricultural industry.
  4. Demonstrate lifelong learning skills that will prepare the students for the ever-changing advancements in science and technology in reference to agriculture.
General Education Requirements:    37 hours
Area Min. Hours Course Code Course Description
Communications 6 ENGL 1113 English Composition I
    ENGL 1213 English Composition II
Social Science 6 HIST 1483 or HIST 1493 U.S. HIST to 1877 or U.S. HIST 1877-Pres
    POLS    1113 U.S. Government 
Life Science 4 BISC    1114 Biology with Lab
Physical Science 5 CHEM    1315 General Chemistry I with Lab
Humanities 6 See humanities course options
Mathematics 6 MATH 1513 or MATH 1483 or College Algebra or Functions & Modeling or
    MATH 1613 or MATH 2193 Trigonometry or Elementary Statistics
Selected General Ed Requirements 3 SPCH    1113 Fundamentals of Speech
Institutional Requirements 1 COL    1111 College Success
Program Requirements:    25 hours
Program Core Requirement:   10 hours
Agricultural Sciences 6 AGRI 2193 Ag Internship
    AGEC 1373 Intro to Agriculture Economics
Agriculture Electives 4 AGRN 1124 or AGRN 1214 Intro to Soil Science or Introduction to Plant Science
Program Option Requirements:    15 hours
Select one option from:  

Agricultural Communications 
Agriculture Education
Agriculture Technology
Animal Science
General Agriculture