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Administrative rules adopted by Redlands Community College

Proposed administrative rules

What statutes affect Redlands Community College or benefit the community served by the college?

Statutes that relate to Redlands, include but are not limited to:

Creation of Redlands Community College
Oklahoma Statute Title 70, section 70-4423
Redlands Community College Name Change
Redlands Community College Policies & Procedures

Open Meetings Act 
Oklahoma Statute Title 25, sections 301-314

Open Records Acts 
Oklahoma Statute Title 51, Section 24
Higher Education Act of 1965
Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act
Clery Act & Violence Against Women Act

How does Redlands Community College store personal information?

Personally identifiable information is stored electronically on secured computer systems/servers or is stored in secured locked areas when not in use.

What personal information does Redlands Community College collect and with whom does Redlands Community College share the personally identifiable information?

Redlands Community College may collect personally identifiable data in the course of its duties, as supplied by employees, prospective employees, students, prospective students, alumni, vendors, or other individuals doing business with or interacting with the agency. “Personally identifiable data” means information which can identify an individual including, but not limited to, name, birth date, place of birth, mother’s maiden name, biometric records, Social Security number, official state- or government-issued driver’s license or identification number, alien registration number, government passport number, employer or taxpayer identification number, or any other information that is linked to an individual, such as medical, educational, financial, or employment information. 74 O.S., § 3106.4. Personally identifiable data is stored securely in accordance with Oklahoma law, as well as the State of Oklahoma’s Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines, available at Policy, Standards & Publications (

Personally identifiable information is only shared within the normal course of business with such state and federal agencies that it is appropriate. Redlands Community College is also subject to, and complies with, the Oklahoma Open Records Act, 51 O.S., §§ 24A.1 – 24A.33. In accordance with said law, some agency records must be made available for review and copying upon request. Where required or allowed by law, particular elements of personally identifiable data will be redacted before making the records available. Redlands Community College will also share personally identifiable data in response to a properly issued court order or subpoena.

Students wishing to withhold directory information at any point during their time enrolled at Redlands must notify the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s Office must be notified in writing, via an in-person visit, fax or email from the student’s own Redlands email account. The Registrar’s Office is located in the Ray Porter Building on the Redlands Community College campus at 1300 S. Country Club Rd., El Reno, OK 73036. The fax number for the Registrar’s Office is 405.422.1242 and the email address is In the written notice, the student must give his/her name, address, telephone, student ID number, and a statement requesting a block on his/her directory information. The block will remain in effect until revoked by the student. If the student would like to allow others to access his/her information, the student must provide the same information listed above as well as the name of the person(s) who may have access and what information can be made available.